
Execution process | Clasification | Table of types


Diverse classes of anchors exist. The most significant are those whose definition criteria is:

• The service time for which the anchors are designed, distinguished between temporary (with a life expectancy not exceeding 12 months) and permanent (which should work throughout the life of the structure).

• The type of reinforcement is distinguished between anchors with cables formed of high resistance wires, and rod. Wire anchors are preferable to rod in ground which can suffer movements, to avoid excessive rigidity at the head, which can result in their breaking, and when they have to absorb high capacity loads.

• Another type of classification refers to the form of tension they are designed for, distinguishing between active (stretched to its service load) and passive (which have a very low initial load and acquire more as and when it is required). The first, to limit deformations to the head, are the most commonly used in anchoring structures and are what CIMENTATEC habitually use. The second type can be used to stabilise slippages.