Permeation grouting | Compaction grouting | Fracture grouting
Grouting, in a geotechnical sense, is a way of improving the terrain (soil or rocks), by use of a pump able fluid. Once hardened, the properties of the ground are improved both mechanically (resistance and deformability) and physically (density and permeability). The most common grouting materials are cement based, enriched with another material such as bentonites or clays.
To guarantee the success of this technique it is essential, primarily, to complete preliminary tests to characterise the terrain and determine the type of grouting to use. Secondly, a control of the volumes used, density and viscosity of the fluid and pressure of the injection. The equipment typically used for this type of work can be seen in the table below.
Within the range of products offered by CIMENTATEC three types of grouting can be identified, as contained in the guide for road-building foundations of the Ministry of Development. These are classified according to whether the original structure of the ground is affected or not:
• Permeation grouting.
• Compaction grouting.
• Fracture grouting.