Permeation grouting | Compaction grouting | Fracture grouting
Fracture grouting
Injecting, at a medium or high pressure, a less viscous fluid to break up the structure of the ground and fill the created space with the grout. This creates a new structure, reinforced by the double effect of densification and stiffening, because the ground is sewn together by the network of cemented fractures. There are four phases of execution for this method: Drilling, placing of the hose, filling the space with grout and pressure injection.
The phases of injection by hydraulic fracturing (according to the 4th technical seminar of SEMSIG-AETESS: Improving ground by grouting and jet injection).
The type of cement or mortar used, as well as the additives and dosages depend on both the type of grouting we use and the result we are looking for from the treatment.
Applicable regulations:
• UNE-EN 12715. Execution of special geotechnical work. Grouting. AENOR. Madrid. June 2001.
Port works:
• ROM 0.5-05. Geotechnical recommendations for maritime and port works. Ports of the state, Ministry of development. Madrid. November 2005.
Road works::
• Road works foundations guide. General directorate of highways. Ministry of development. Madrid. 2002.